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Section: Research Program

Wireless data collection

With an anticipated 11-fold growth between 2014 and 2018, facing the growth of the mobile demand is the foremost challenge for mobile operators. In particular, a 100-fold increase in the number of supported connected devices, mostly newly connected objects with M2M trafic, is expected. A question therefore rises: how to cope with a dense set of M2M low bit rate traffics from energy and computing power constrained devices while classic cellular infrastructure are designed for the sparse high bit rate traffics from powerful devices?

A technological answer to the densification challenge is also embodied by long-range low-power networks such as SigFox, LoRa, NB-IoT, etc. In this context, the idea of offloading cellular traffic to different wireless access technologies is emerging as a very promising solution to relieve the traditional mobile network from its overwhelming load. In fact, offloading is already employed today, and, globally, 45% of total mobile data traffic was offloaded onto the fixed network through Wi-Fi or femtocells in 2013. Device-to-device (D2D) communications in hybrid networks, combining long-range cellular links and short-range technologies, opens even more possibilities. We aim at providing solutions that are missing for efficiently and practically mix multi-hop and cellular networks technologies.

Cellular M2M. Enabling a communication in a cellular network follows two major procedures: a resource allocation demand is first transmitted by the UE which, if successful, is followed by the actual data transmission phase, using dedicated resources allocated by the eNodeB (eNB) to the UE. This procedure was designed specifically for H2H traffic, which is bursty by nature, and it is based on the notions of session and call, activities that keep the user involved for a relatively long time and necessitate the exchange of a series of messages with the network. On the contrary, M2M traffic generates low amounts of data periodically or sporadically. Going through a signaling-heavy random access (RA) procedure to transmit one short message is strongly inefficient for both the M2M devices and the infrastructure.

In the perspective of 5G solutions, we are investigating mechanisms that regulate the M2M traffics in order to obtain good performances while keeping a reasonable quality of service (QoS) for human-to-human (H2H) terminals. The idea of piggybacking the M2M data transmission within one of the RA procedure messages is tempting and it is now considered as the best solution for this type of traffic. This means that the M2M data is transmitted on the shared resources of the RACH, and raises questions regarding the capacity of the RACH, which was not designed for these purposes. In this regard, our analysis of the access capacity of LTE-A RACH procedure has to be adapted to multi-class scenarios, in order to understand the competition between M2M and H2H devices. Modeling based on Markov chains provides trends on system scale performances, while event-based simulations enable the analysis of the distribution of the performances over the different kinds of users. Combining both should give enough insights so as to design relevant regulation techniques and strategies. In particular two open questions that have to be tackled can be stated as: When should access resources be opened to M2M traffics without penalizing H2H performances? Does an eNodeB have a detailed enough knowledge of the system and transmit enough information to UE to regulate the traffics? The objective is to go to the analysis of achievable performances to actual protocols that take into account realistic M2M traffic patterns.

Hybrid networks. The first objective in this research axis is a realistic large-scale performance evaluation of Wi-Fi offloading solutions. While the mechanisms behind Wi-Fi offloading are now clear in the research community, their performance has only been tested in small-scale field tests, covering either small geographical areas (i.e. a few cellular base stations) and/or a small number of specific users (e.g. vehicular users). Instead, we evaluate the offloading performance at a city scale, building on real mobile network traces available in the team. First of all, through our collaboration with Orange Labs, we have access to an accurate characterization of the mobile traffic load at each base station in all major French cities. Second, a data collection application for Android devices has been developed in the team and used by hundreds of users in the Lyon metropolitan area. This application monitors and logs all the Wi-Fi access points in the coverage range of the smartphone, allowing us to build a map of Wi-Fi accessibility in some parts of the city. Combining these two data sources and completing them with simulation studies will allow an accurate evaluation of Wi-Fi offloading solutions over a large area.

On the D2D side, our focus is on the connected objects scenario, where we study the integration of short-range links and long-range technologies such as LTE, SigFox or LoRa. This requires the design of network protocols to discover and group the devices in a certain region. For this, we build on our expertise on clustering sensor and vehicular nodes. The important difference in this case is that the cellular network can assist the clustering formation process. The next step is represented by the selection of the devices that will be using the long-range links on behalf of the entire cluster. With respect to classical cluster head selection problems in ad-hoc networks, our problem distinguishes through device heterogeneity in terms of available communication technologies (not all devices have a long-range connection, or its quality is poor), energy resources (some devices might have energy harvesting capabilities) and expected lifetime. We will evaluate the proposed mechanisms both analytically (clustering problems are generally modeled by dominating set problems in graph theory) and through discrete-event simulation. Prototyping and experimental evaluation in cooperation with our industrial partners is also foreseen in this case.